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1. The following principles characterize certain organizational structures:
Ⅰ. A superior can delegate the authority to make decisions but cannot delegate the ultimate responsibility for the results of those decisions.
Ⅱ. A supervisor’s span of control should not exceed seven subordinates.
Ⅲ. Responsibility should be accompanied by adequate authority.
Ⅳ. Employees at all levels should be empowered to make decisions.
A Ⅰ and Ⅲ.
b. Ⅰand Ⅳ
c. Ⅱ and Ⅲ
d. Ⅲ and Ⅳ
A yes. Certain basic concepts of authority and responsibility apply in all organizations. Authority is the right to direct the actions of others. Responsibility is the duty to perform. Responsibility and commensurate authority can and should be delegated, but the person in the higher position nevertheless retains ultimate responsibility.
B no. employee empowerment is not a characteristic of a hierarchical organization.
C no. In accordance with the principles of contingency design, an open or organic organization adopts a span of control that reflects situational factors. Hence, a wide span of control may be indicated, for example, when subordinates perform similar duties in the same work area little direction is required.
D no. same as B.

2. A small furniture-manufacturing firm with 100 employees is located in a two-story building and does not plan to expand. The furniture manufactured is not special-ordered or custom-made. Considering these facts, the most common structure for this organization would be
A.functional departmentation.
B.Product departmentation.
C.Matrix organization.
D. Divisional organization.
A yes. Organization by function is common to almost all firms at some level. It avoids duplication of effort and allows for specialization and applied training.
B no. product departmentation is appropriate for multilane firms.
C no. matrix organization is most often used in research and development and project management. It combines functional and product departmentation.
D no. divisional organization is appropriate for large firm.
3. A new manager of a production department has been asked to assess the effectiveness of that department. The organization needs to satisfy both internal and external constituents and takes a broad approach to effectiveness. In order to complete the assignment successfully, the manager should
A.measure the daily productivity of the department.
B.Do a survey of employee morale, as it is often a major underlying factor in productivity.
C.Compare the past year’s production against annual goals.
D.Consider short-, medium-, and long-term effectiveness.
D yes. Kreitner (6th ed., pages 279-80) states, “organizational effectiveness can be defined as meeting organizational objectives and prevailing societal expectations in the near future, adapting and developing in the intermediate future, and surviving in the distant future. In the near term (about one year), if should be effective in achieving its goals, efficient in its use of resources, and a source of satisfaction to its constituencies (owners, employees, customers, and society). In the intermediate term (2 to 4 years), it should adapt to new possibilities and obstacles and develop its abilities and those of its members. In the long term (5+years), the organization should be able to survive in an uncertain world.
A no. daily productivity relates to short-term effectiveness only.
B no. A survey of employee morale may contribute to assessing effectiveness, but it is not sufficient for assessing overall effectiveness.
C no Comparing production against goals is a measure of short-term effectiveness.

4.  For the past several years, many organizations have attempted to reduce administrative costs and respond more rapidly to customer and competitive demands. One method is to eliminate layers of middle management. The element of organization structure affected by such reductions is
A.spatial differentiation.
C.Vertical differentiation.
D.formalization of jobs.
C yes. Vertical differentiation concerns the depth of the organizational hierarchy. The greater the number of levels, the more complex the organization, the greater the potential for information distortion, the more difficult the coordination of management activities, and the slower and less effective the response to changing conditions.
A no. spatial differentiation refers to the degree of geographic dispersion of facilities and personnel.
B no. formalization refers to the degree of job standardization through descriptions and rules.
D no same as B.

5. When an organization depends to a great extent on its environment, which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship among an organization’s environment, the level of uncertainly it faces, and its structure? The more dynamic and complex the environment, the
A.more uncertainty the organization will face and the more organic the structure should be.
B.More uncertainty the organization will face and the more mechanistic the structure should be.
C.Less uncertainty the organization will face and the more autocratic the structure should be.
D.Less uncertainty the organization will face and the more organic the structure should be.
A .yes .A dynamic and complex organizational environment faces constant change, so the level of uncertainty increases. The more uncertainty an organization faces, the more organic the structure should be. Organic organizations tend to be flexible and adaptive to change.
B no. A dynamic and complex environment is more uncertain, so it requires a flexible structure.
C and D same as B.


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