三、Amount of the L/C 信用證金額
1.amount RMB¥… 金額:人民幣
2.up to an aggregate amount of Hongkong Dollars… 累計金額最高為港幣……
3.for a sum (or :sums) not exceeding a total of GBP… 總金額不得超過英鎊……
4.to the extent of HKD… 總金額為港幣……
5.for the amount of USD… 金額為美元……
6.for an amount not exceeding total of JPY… 金額的總數(shù)不得超過……日元的限度
四、The Stipulations for the shipping Documents 跟單條款
1.available against surrender of the following documents bearing our credit number and the full name and address of the opener 憑交出下列注名本證號碼和開證人的全稱及地址的單據(jù)付款
2.drafts to be accompanied by the documents marked(×)below 匯票須隨附下列注有(×)的單據(jù)
3.accompanied against to documents hereinafter 隨附下列單據(jù)
4.accompanied by following documents 隨附下列單據(jù)
5.documents required 單據(jù)要求
6.accompanied by the following documents marked(×)in duplicate 隨附下列注有(×)的單據(jù)一式兩份
7.drafts are to be accompanied by… 匯票要隨附(指單據(jù))……
五、Draft(Bill of Exchange) 匯票
1.the kinds of drafts 匯票種類
(1)available by drafts at sight 憑即期匯票付款
(2)draft(s) to be drawn at 30 days sight 開立30天的期票
(3)sight drafs 即期匯票
(4)time drafts 原期匯票
2.drawn clauses 出票條款(注:即出具匯票的法律依據(jù))
(1)all darfts drawn under this credit must contain the clause “Drafts drawn Under Bank of…credit No.…dated…” 本證項下開具的匯票須注明“本匯票系憑……銀行……年……月……日第…號信用證下開具”的條款
(2)drafts are to be drawn in duplicate to our order bearing the clause “Drawn under United Malayan Banking Corp.Bhd.Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.…dated July 12, 1978” 匯票一式兩份,以我行為抬頭,并注明“根據(jù)馬來西亞聯(lián)合銀行1978年7月12日第……號不可撤銷信用證項下開立”
(3)draft(s) drawn under this credit to be marked:“Drawn under…Bank L/C No.……Dated (issuing date of credit)” 根據(jù)本證開出得匯票須注明“憑……銀行……年……月……日(按開證日期)第……號不可撤銷信用證項下開立"